Dirty dish art...
One of the (many) things that I love about Richard is his ability to find beauty anywhere. He came to get me saying that there was art in the dirty dishes. Sure enough, a beautiful spiral with a yin-yang in the middle, right in a soaking cereal bowl. I bet it was a crunchy, laid back cereal, like Kashi. I wonder if a more intellectual cereal like Boo Berry or Peanut Butter Captain Crunch would produce a more Fibonacci-like spiral...
Hi there, I don't recall how I originally found your blog, but I went to the Live & Learn conference in St. Louis, so perhaps we've some tenuous tie from that....? Was visiting blog links I'd bookmarked at some point or another and came upon this post. I love the picture and the story, and what's serendipitous is I just today posted a picture on my blog of a lone tree my son saw while we were driving, and I, too, was struck by his keen eye for beauty. Thanks for sharing - I might have to get some Kashi and keep an eye on my soaking cereal bowls from now on! ~Namaste~
I wasn't able to make L&L in St. Louis, I wanted to though. We did make Albuquerque, and are going to have to skip it this year. My grandmother's 90th birthday will be our big trip this year. Maybe we will make it every other year! If so I hope to meet you then!
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